About Me
March 2, 2009 // Weddings
I'm finally getting to blog this great wedding for Sayeda (check out her bridals HERE)and Matt who were married in Dallas at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church. St Thomas is a beautiful setting in east Dallas with such a traditional feel. After the ceremony Sayeda and Matt enjoyed their reception at the Belo Mansion in Downtown Dallas. They lucked out with some extra decorations that were offered to them after a bridal show held at the Belo Mansion. So as you can imagine, extra flowers and lights everywhere so it made for some amazing detail shots.

Flowers were beautifully and artfully done by Bella Flora of Dallas. Sayeda's hair and makeup by styled by Salon PompeoBorrowed Time Productions kept the party going. Many thanks to Jason and Kenneth for backing me up rock star style behind their cameras. Great job guys!

Sayeda and Matt congratulations and what a beautiful wedding it was! My best to you in the future!








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