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I started the [Get Inspired:] entries in my old blog and haven't created an entry since moving to the new blog. So, here we go!

(Photos 1 & 2 Blelow) - Feature: Photographs of Ellen Paige and Drew Barrymore by photographer Peggy Sirota in the upcoming October issue of Marie Claire are nothing short of amazing.

(Photos 3 & 4 Blelow) "Scene Stealer" - I especially love the spreads by fashion photographer phenom Matt Jones

(Photo 5 Blelow) "renaissance woman" - think out of the box and turn up the drama with photographer Ruven Afanador

Since the move of Nina Garcia from Elle over to Marie Claire, the magazine has been pumping out some amazing stuff. I feel like they are just now starting to compete. Be sure to check out the new October issue due out soon. There's a digital edition out now for those who cant wait at http://www.zinio.com






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